Aliens in the antiquity
I have been vey interested in this topic, because it is very shocking and interesting, so i have read a lot of books and i haave seen videos which have done me realise that ancient civilizations were very intelligent,but we don´t know that.
Civilizations as egyptians who lived 5000 years ago were able of build the pyramids with a great precision that between pyramids´ marble´s bolcks don´t fit a human hair, or cut marble´s block as laser´s technology.
They also could operate a human´s head.
How we explain that? A theory says that a long time ago, Aliens came to the Earth and teach wise man´s egyptian or other civilizations as summery a little of his technology or intelligence.
This aliens who are represented as reptilians or called "anunnakis" who lived in a planet calle "Nibiru".
At the other hand, there are another theory(myth) about this topic.
Supposedly, this aliens made an experiment. They mix themselves with primitive human, so it results modern or current human.
Many years later, human women were very pretty for them, so they have children with women, but these children became giants(this appear in the Bible, Genesis 6,4).
But when it was The Flood, giants disapeared, then good humans dominate.
I would like to come back to first theory to tell that pyramids keep everything that "anunnakis" teach them, for example that they knew that earth was circular or that solar system exists and distance from earth to other planets. This events weren´t discover in Europe until XV and XVII centuries.
The next video explain better this mythical theory in spanish(there are two parts):
The next video is in english, and explain this mythical theory:
Everything that I´m telling appear in the hieroglyphic writing
I don´t say that this mythical theory is true, because i am very catholic and i believe in God.
I only wanted to tell a dramatic theory that i think that is very interesting to know.
Very good job alvaro!I love your composition .I think it is very very interesting. I love the video, too. It gives much information.